what's your middle name?

Someone once told me that you should try to learn something new every day.
With this in mind, each day of 2012 I will try to discover the middle name of someone I do not know.
This blog charts my progress.
Richard M. Crawley

Monday, 24 September 2012


Leaning on a motorcycle by the side of the road is a squat man in a red and black padded jacket.  In need of a middle name, I decide to approach.  'Why's that?' he says in response to my question.  He has a grey pointed beard and moustache.  On his head he wears a Harley Davidson cap over which are strapped a pair of plastic goggles.

I explain about my resolution and say something about being hoist by my own petard.  He interrupts with an answer.  I detect a twang and ask if he is Australian.  'Yes, Australian, yes', he replies but I get the sense that he was enjoying his solitude and leave him to his urban repose.

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