Walking sleepily between lines at a tube station, I am tapped on the back. I turn round to be greeted by someone I had met at a party the night before. He is tall with lanky hair. His gait is slightly stooped. Under his arm is a frame surrounded by bubble-wrap. I ask him what he is carrying. He tells me it is a piece of his art. At the bottom of the escalator he unwraps it to show me. It is the still scan of a video portrait, so that lines of movement distort the image. 'I have a love/hate relationship with technology', he tells me.
Although stretching the rules I decide to ask my question (our previous encounter was brief and he appears to be wearing the same clothes - grey beanie, black jacket, black jeans). 'I've got a good one', he tells me. 'Actually it's two'.
The first of his middle names is after his grandfather and the second after his 'dad's dog who died'. He tells me that his dad had liked the name so thought he might as well use it again. We agree that there's no point in wasting a good one.
'I was actually on your carriage before', he says, 'but you looked like you were asleep and I didn't know if it would be weird to disturb you'. I say I don't think it would have been that weird as I help him re-wrap his picture. We shake hands, say that we will see each other around and head towards opposite ends of the compass.
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