what's your middle name?

Someone once told me that you should try to learn something new every day.
With this in mind, each day of 2012 I will try to discover the middle name of someone I do not know.
This blog charts my progress.
Richard M. Crawley

Saturday, 7 April 2012


Sitting at the children's end of the table at a beach barbeque, the tanned girl opposite me wears a pink sundress and purple Ray Banns.  Her hair is streaked blonde from the sun and her expression is coy.  She is about seven years old.  I manage to extract her two middle names but the combination of heat and a glass of white wine make the second of the two slip from my mind (the first was Michelle).

A lively eleven year-old spends the lunch as raconteur.  At one point he has the table in fits over a story of his younger brother filming his dad in the shower.  He later took the footage into school as part of their 'show and tell'.  Earlier he had told me about the plastic surgeon who the young girl's dad is considering using for a hair transplant.  The dad was at the other end of the table wearing a hat.  The boy, who had removed his hat to eat and had a fine head of hair, gave me a graphic description of the procedure.

He told me that the plastic surgeon's name was Dr James E. Vogel and that he had been voted the best in Baltimore.  I confirmed this on return to my computer.  His website also claims that he has 'integrity, a professional manner and outstanding experience'.  A bit of extra research reveals the name behind the 'E'.

The young boy told me that his dad thinks that the young girl's dad should just shave it off.

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