Three white boys and a black girl sit on a bench outside WHSmith on the high street of a small Welsh town. One of the boys wears a knitted hat with plaits hanging from either side. Another has piercings through his eyebrows and large 'flesh tunnels' in his earlobes (see Friday 13th January). The girl has hair swept over her face and multi-coloured leggings. The remaining boy has fluffy stubble growing from his upper lip and chin. They could fairly be described as 'youths'.
I walk past and then return to ask if any of them would offer up their middle names. Fluffy Stubble puts up his hand followed by Flesh Tunnel and Knitted Hat. Multi-coloured Leggings remains slouched with her arms crossed and legs stretched out in front of her. I ask them in order of enthusiasm. The three boys are happy to oblige. Multi-coloured Leggings says she doesn't have one. 'You've left it a bit late for a resolution', says Fluffy Stubble. I explain that I have found a different one each day. 'Woah, that's cool', he says. Flesh Tunnel and Knitted Hat appear similarly impressed by my mission. They nod approvingly. Multi-coloured Leggings raises her eye-brows.
I refrain from asking if I could join their crew but leave buoyed by their big-ups.
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