what's your middle name?

Someone once told me that you should try to learn something new every day.
With this in mind, each day of 2012 I will try to discover the middle name of someone I do not know.
This blog charts my progress.
Richard M. Crawley

Monday 3 September 2012


At breakfast I the dining car I am sat opposite a middle-aged couple from Pittsburgh.  The strap of her handbag remains over her shoulder throughout the meal.  He wears a baseball cap.  They are crossing the country to visit their daughter.  On the train for the same amount of time as me, they have invested in a sleeper cabin.

We eat eggs, croissants and as much coffee as we can drink.  We discuss Sierra Nevada, the London Olympics, Andy Warhol and Worthing.

Ten hours later, at our destination, I bump into the lady on the platform.  She is still wearing her handbag.  We congratulate each other on our powers of endurance.  I explain my resolution.  She gives me an answer.

'At least that saves you approaching a stranger on the street today', she says.  I agree.

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