what's your middle name?

Someone once told me that you should try to learn something new every day.
With this in mind, each day of 2012 I will try to discover the middle name of someone I do not know.
This blog charts my progress.
Richard M. Crawley

Monday 19 March 2012


Not strictly the middle name of someone I don't know but stumbling through websites looking for inspiration I come across www.babynamegenie.com.  On it is useful advice about how to go about picking a middle name for your child.  A helpful starting tip is that 'The ideal middle name should flow and not wrap your tongue up in knots'.  They also suggest that 'A long middle name can nicely compliment a short first and last name. A short middle name can smooth out a long first and last name combination'.  The sound of the initial is of primary importance; 'Hard sounding letters like "D", "J", and "T" sound stronger than letters like "L" and "C"'.  However, in case all of this should leave you in a tizz, they end with the reassurance that we shouldn't 'stress too much about finding the perfect middle name--unless you think your child will be a president, poet or doctor. Most people don't use their middle name in daily life'.  

They offer a service called the 'Middle Name Generator'.  All you have to come up with is a first and last name, specify a sex and they will do the rest.  I decided to put in my own name and out of three suggestions, this was number one (the other two were 'Patrick' and 'Noa').  Today I imagine the person I would have been had this facility been available to my parents at the time of my birth. 

Possibly a president, poet or doctor.

(I also put my name into the 'Baby Name Test Drive' facility which enables you to see how your baby's name would sound in the 'real world'.  Alongside such everyday phrases such as, 'Richard, could you please set the table?' and, 'Does Richard like avocado?' are the more exciting, 'Richard Crawley, come on down! You're the next contestant!' and ego-boosting, 'You'll have to see Richard Crawley about that. He will know what to do'.  My favourite, however, and I think most encouraging must be, 'Richard, it's not the end of the world. It's just a car. You are more important than a car.') 

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